January 29, 2012

Kuih Jala

Courtesy picture from etabika.kemas.gov.my

Kuih Jala is quite popular today and also known as Kuih Karas. It is crispy make people love to eat this traditional food. This food is the traditional food of  Iban ethnic.It is become the signature product of Sarawak. The ingredients is the flour, water and gula apong(made from red palm) used in Sarawak. In the peninsular they used gula melaka 
Price 1kg: RM14
500g: RM8

Kuih Murukku

Courtesy picture from http://kotakechik.blogspot.com

Kuih Murukku is also known as the chakli or akar kelapa. It is snack that originally come from the India and also popular in the Malaysia. The ingredients is include spices, rice flour, curry leaf and many more. This traditional food is usually eat during festive season which is Deepavali and the shape is circle.
Price: 1kg-RM14

The local people should produce the traditional food more.  this is because it will give many benefits to many parties for example to improve the quality of life of the village people. usually, the main producer of this type of food is the villagers. This traditional food can enter the wider market and generate profit for Malaysia when it sell for the tourists who come in Malaysia to buy this food as the souvenir. Besides that, this traditional food is safe to eat because it does not contain any preservatives and additives like the other snack does. Nowadays, many people from young to old like to eat this type of food and because of its reasonable prices.

Kuih Rempeyek

Courtesy picture from http://sagitarius77.fotopages.com

Kuih Rempeyek is traditional food that can be found in Malaysia and Indonesia. It also can be eat during festive season like Hari Raya. The ingredients is the flour, peanuts, fried anchovies and spices. it is available in different sizes which depend on the cooker. 
Price: 1kg-RM16

Kuih Tiram

Courtesy picture from etabika.kemas.gov.my

Kuih Tiram is also known as lidah buaya . The Kuih Tiram is made from margerine, flour,eggs, and coconut oil. It is easy to be made and do not need to much ingredients and simple step.
Price: 1kg-RM12

Keropok Amplang

Courtesy picture from http://blog.tourism.gov.my

Keropok Amplang is the one of the famous food that have in Sabah instead of Kuih Cincin. It was made from tapioca flour and spices. The ingredients of Keropok Amplang is the fish meat mostly sell in Kota Kinabalu and Sandakan. Most people like to buy at Tawau because it is more delicious.
Price: 1Kg-RM18

Kuih Loyang

Courtesy picture from http://rainbowforher.blogspot.com

Kuih Loyang is the snack that can be found most of the places in Malaysia. This traditional food usually eat during Chinese New Year. The ingredients is flour,eggs,salt and coconut. The shape of the Kuih Loyang is seems like the flower right?.
Price: 1kg-RM12

Kuih Cincin

Courtesy picture from http://tulipsdigitalmedia.blog.com

Kuih Cincin or Ring Cakes is Sabah traditional food. it is known as the Ring cakes because it has seven hole on it. It is famous among local people and only available in Sabah. The main ingredients to make the Kuih Cincin is red palm and gula melaka.
Price: 1kg-RM18

Kuih Sepit                  Kuih Sepit Gulung    
Courtesy picture from http://hanida-kuihkapit.blogspot.com

This traditional food is called Kuih Sepit in Sarawak and in the peninsular  Malaysia it is known as the  Kuih Kapit . Kuih The eggs, flour,coconut cream and sugar is the only ingredients to made the Kuih Sepit. It is traditional Chinese New Year biscuits and known as "Love Letter" by some people.


Hello everyone.. first of all, I want to tell that this blog account is actually made for a assignment. We are assigned to create a blog for business for educational purposes. i hope that you will be enjoy read this blog.Thank you...



NOTES: The price does not include the delivery charges.
             Every 500g:Rm5(Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia)

                                                                  Kuih Bahulu

Kuih Bahulu or Kuih Baulu is a Malay traditional food. Kuih bahulu is usually make for festive season like Hari Raya and Chinese New Years. It can be found at different shapes and most popular is button and goldfish shape.
Price: 1kg-RM14


Courtesy picture from http://suharman-jawi.blogspot.com/

Tebaloi is belong to the Melanau ethnic that lives in the Sarawak. in other words. Tebaloi also known as the snack sago because it was made from sago flour. Usually, it can be found at the souvenir shop as souvenir items for the tourists. It have in different types of colour such as yellow, green and other colour like the picture above.
Price: 1kg-RM16